【学术报告】贾毅 高级研究员(澳大利亚格里菲斯大学)

所属:学术活动 发布于:2019.04.16

学 术 报 告

Design and Application of Defects in Electrocatalysis

贾  毅  高级研究员





       Carbon-based metal-free materials have been attracting numerous interests for electrocatalysis due to various merits such as abundance, low cost, high conductivity and tunable molecular structures. However, to date, the electrochemical activities of these electrocatalysts are mainly attributed to different active dopants (e.g., N, B, P or S), leading to a common concept that heteroatom doping is essential for metal-free electrocatalysts. Recently, we presented a new concept that the specific topological defects can activate the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and developed a facile method to create such unique defects. Subsequent research extends this new mechanism to other reactions such as hydrogen and oxygen evolution (HER and OER) and confirms that heteroatom doping is not essential but these defects can serve as actives sites for electrochemical reactions.3 This new theory then creates a new research direction of metal-free electrocatalysis. In this talk, the latest studies of defect-induced carbon based materials for advanced electrocatalysts are summarized and presented, especially highlighting on various approaches to prepare defective carbons and a defect catalysis mechanism. Finally, the current existing challenges and future working directions for enhancing the performance of defect-implicated carbon based electrocatalysts are proposed, which may afford the guidance to the proof-of-concept atomic design of highly active electrocatalysts for diverse applications in energy conversion and storage.


       贾毅,澳大利亚昆士兰大学材料工程博士, 师从姚向东教授,邹进教授和逯高清教授,美国加州伯克利大学和劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室访问学者,澳大利亚研究委员会探索青年研究员称号获得者(ARC DECRA)。现任澳大利亚格里菲斯大学,昆士兰微纳米技术中心(QMNC)高级研究员兼博士生导师,主要从事纳米材料在新能源设备中的应用,其中包括固/液态储氢,可再生燃料电池及金属空气电池的材料设计与研发。贾毅博士于国际顶级期刊上发表60多篇重要论文著作,其中包括Nature Catalysis(1篇),Chem(Cell的姐妹刊)(3篇),J. Am.Chem. Soc. (1篇),Adv. Mater.(5篇),Adv. Energy Mater.(1篇),Angew Chem.Int. Edit. (1篇),ACS Nano(1篇)等,做国际会议学术报告10余次,ISI高引论文7篇,引用2200余次,h-Index为26。贾毅博士是中澳创新中心(Australia China Innovation Center)共同发起人兼新能源技术投资顾问,同时也是澳洲纳米技术协会(The Australian Nanotechnology Network)会员。
