催 化 论 坛
How hydrophilic should a hydrophilic surface be for a
specific hydrophilic coating application?

汪大洋 教授
A diversity of fansy technical applications are speculated in hydrophilic surfaces especially with the aid of water flushing. Anti-fogging, oil repellence under water, anti-fouling, and anti-icing to name a few. Be hydrophilic, a surface ought to possess abundant polar groups atop to ensure effective surface hydration, which can be explicitly correlated with both the nature of surface polar groups and their spatial arrangement with respect to their nestest non-polar neighbours. Yet the expression of effective hydratoin of surface polar groups into excellent technical performace of a hydrophilic surface in a specific application is still an aftermath of trial and error. This reflects a deficiency of knowledge in the filed of surface wetting. That is the absence of quantitative description of the water wettability of hydrophilic surfaces according to surface polar groups; the latter hydration efficiency can be rationally designed with molecular level precision, though. To address this issue, the present talk purposes a new criterion – the molecular packing density of surface polar groups – to quantitatively differentiate surface hydrophilicity by making use of polyelectrolyte multilayered films as model hydrophilic surfaces, which enables us to benchmark the molecular desgin of hydrophilic surface coatings for different types of technical applications. A promonint technical takeaway from this talk is that provided surface polar groups are arranged themselves in an isotropic configuration with respect to their nearest non-polar neighbours, only when their molecular packing density becomes close to the maximum value expected for two-dimensional closely packed spheres (0.90) will hydrophilic coatings be capable of fulfilling nearly all technical applications expected for self-cleaning surfaces including anti-fogging, anti-smudge, anti-icing and anti-wax.
汪大洋, 1993年于吉林大学化学系获得高分子材料本科毕业。1998年吉林大学化学系获得高分子化学与物理博士毕业, 从师于汤心颐,李铁津和白玉白教授。1999年在香港科技大学机械工程系David C. C. Lam教授研究组做博士后研究。 1999年至2003年间在德国马普胶体界面所Frank Caruso 教授的研究小组做博士后研究, 于2000年获得德国洪堡基金会奖学金。2003年在德国马普胶体界面所Helmuth Möhwald教授的界面部担任研究小组组长。2010年至2015年在澳大利亚南澳大学Ian Wark研究所任物理化学终身研究教授。2015年至2017年在皇家墨尔本理工大学任化工系终身教授。2014年入选英国皇家化学会会士(FRSC)。2016年入选国家海外高端人才计划(创新类长期),同年回国在吉林大学化学学院和无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室任职教授。汪大洋教授已发表4个学术专著章节和150余篇高水平的研究论文。